
Let expressions allow to introduce local variables. Such expressions have the following syntax:

\let | p_1 => e_1
     | p_n => e_n
\in e_{n+1}

where p_1, … p_n are patterns and e_1, … e_{n+1} are expressions.

Every pattern is either a variable or an expression of the form (p_1’, … p_k’), where p_1’, … p_k’ are patterns. This implies that if p_i is a tuple of k subpatterns, then the type of e_i must be either a k-fold Sigma type or a record with k fields. Note that because of the eta-equivalence for Sigma types and records the structure of e_i does not matter: for example, expression \let (x,y) => z \in e evaluates to e[z.1/x,z.2/y] if type of z is Sigma type (and with fields instead of projections z.1 and z.2 in case of a record). In general, if pattern p_i contains variables x_i^1, … x_i^{n_i} expression \let | p_1 => e_1 … | p_n => e_n \in e evaluates to e[… proj_i^j(e_i)/x_i^j …], where proj_i^j is the sequence of projections and field access expressions, corresponding to j-th variable of p_i.

The expression \let | x_1 => e_1 … | x_n => e_n \in e has type \let | x_1 => e_1 … | x_n => e_n \in E, where E is the type of e.

The type of e_i can be explicitly specified as follows: | p_i : E_i => e_i.

It is also allowed to write lambda parameters after a pattern if it is a variable. That is, instead of | x_i => e_i, you can write | x_i p^i_1 … p^i_{n_i} => e_i, where p^i_1, … p^i_{n_i} are either variables or named parameters to which e_i can refer. Such a clause is equivalent to | x_i => \lam p^i_1 … p^i_{n_i} => e_i.

Pattern matching

It is also possible to match constructors of data types as follows:

\let (con x_1 ... x_k) => e1
\in e2

where x_1, … x_k are patterns and con is a constructor.

This expression is equivalent to the following one:

\case e1 \with {
  | con x_1 ... x_k => e2

Strict let expressions

Let expressions can be strict. This means that expressions e_1, … e_n will be evaluated immediately when the let expression is evaluated. To define a strict let expression, use the keyword \let! instead of \let.


The \have keyword can be used instead of the \let keyword. The resulting expression will not change, but defined variables will not unfold inside the expression. For example, the following code will not work because x is not equivalent to 0.

\have x => 0
\in (idp : x = 0)

This can be useful when the actual value of the variable is not important. For example, this is usually the case when it is a proof of some fact.