
A set of Arend source files .ard and/or binary files .arc (compiled .ard files) can be arranged into an Arend library. A library can be created by creating its header file named arend.yaml in the root directory of the library. The name of a library is simply the name of the library’s root directory, that is the parent directory of its header file. All other information about a library is contained inside the header file and may include or not the following:

  • Language version can be specified by writing langVersion: VERSION, where VERSION is either a specific version of the language or a range, which is written as either >= VERSION, <= VERSION, or >= VERSION_1, <= VERSION_2.

  • Directories with library’s source, test, and binary files. It can be specified by writing sourcesDir: PATH, testsDir: PATH, and binariesDir: PATH for sources, tests, and binaries respectively, where PATH is either a path relative to the library’s root directory or an absolute path.

  • The list of names of libraries this library depends on. The list of library’s dependencies can be specified by writing dependencies: [NAME_1, ..., NAME_k], where NAME_1, … NAME_k are names of the libraries.

All libraries should be put in some specific directory. The path to this directory can be specified either with command line option -L in the console application or in module settings in IntelliJ IDEA.