{- | `rewrite (p : a = b) t : T` replaces occurrences of `a` in `T` with a variable `x` obtaining a type `T[x/a]` and returns `transportInv (\lam x => T[x/a]) p t`

 - If the expected type is unknown, the meta rewrites in the type of the arguments instead.
 - `rewrite {i_1, ... i_k} p t` replaces only occurrences with indices `i_1`, ... `i_k`. Here `i_j` is the number of occurrence after replacing all the previous occurrences. 
 - Also, `p` may be a function, in which case `rewrite p` is equivalent to `rewrite (p _ ... _)`.
 - `rewrite (p_1, ... p_n) t` is equivalent to `rewrite p_1 (... rewrite p_n t ...)`

\meta rewrite

-- | `rewriteI p` is equivalent to `rewrite (inv p)`
\meta rewriteI

{- | `rewriteEq (p : a = b) t : T` is similar to {rewrite}, but it finds and replaces occurrences of `a` up to algebraic equivalences.
 - For example, `rewriteEq (p : b * (c * id) = x) t : T` rewrites `(a * b) * (id * c)` as `a * x` in `T`. 
 - Similarly to `rewrite` this meta allows specification of occurrence numbers. 
 - Currently this meta supports noncommutative monoids and categories.

\meta rewriteEq

-- | Simplifies the expected type or the type of the argument if the expected type is unknown.
\meta simplify

{- | Simplifies certain equalities. It expects one argument and the type of this argument is called 'subgoal'. The expected type is called 'goal'.
 - * If the goal is `coe (\lam i => \Pi (x : A) -> B x i) f right a = b'`, then the subgoal is `coe (B a) (f a) right = b`.
 - * If the goal is `coe (\lam i => \Pi (x : A) -> B x i) f right = g'`, then the subgoal is `\Pi (a : A) -> coe (B a) (f a) right = g a`.
 - * If the goal is `coe (\lam i => A i -> B i) f right = g'`, then the subgoal is `\Pi (a : A left) -> coe B (f a) right = g (coe A a right)`.
 - * If the type under `coe` is a higher-order non-dependent function type, `simp_coe` simplifies it recursively.
 - * If the goal is `(coe (\lam i => \Sigma (x_1 : A_1 i) ... (x_n : A_n i) ...) t right).n = b'`, then the subgoal is `coe A_n t.n right = b`.
 - * If the goal is `coe (\lam i => \Sigma (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) (B_{n+1} i) ... (B_k i)) t right = s'`, then the subgoal is a \Sigma type consisting of equalities as specified above ignoring fields in \Prop.
 - * If the type under `coe` is a record, then `simp_coe` works similarly to the case of \Sigma types. The copattern matching syntax as in {ext} is also supported.
 - * All of the above cases also work for goals with {transport} instead of {coe} since the former evaluates to the latter.
 - * If the goal is `transport (\lam x => f x = g x) p q = s`, then the subgoal is `q *> pmap g p = pmap f p *> s`. If `f` does not depend on `x`, then the right hand side of the subgoal is simply `s`.
 - If the expected type is unknown or if the meta is applied to more than one argument, then it applies to the type of the argument instead of the expected type.

\meta simp_coe

{- | Proves goals of the form `a = {A} a'`. It expects (at most) one argument and the type of this argument is called 'subgoal'. The expected type is called 'goal'
 - * If the goal is `f = {\Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) -> B} g`, then the subgoal is `\Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) -> f x_1 ... x_n = g x_1 ... x_n`
 - * If the goal is `t = {\Sigma (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) (y_1 : B_1 x_1 ... x_n) ... (y_k : B_k x_1 ... x_n) (z_1 : C_1) ... (z_m : C_m)} s`, where `C_i : \Prop` and they can depend on `x_j` and `y_l` for all `i`, `j`, and `l`, then the subgoal is `\Sigma (p_1 : t.1 = s.1) ... (p_n : t.n = s.n) D_1 ... D_k`, where `D_j` is equal to `coe (\lam i => B (p_1 @ i) ... (p_n @ i)) t.{k + j - 1} right = s.{k + j - 1}`
 - * If the goal is `t = {R} s`, where `R` is a record, then the subgoal is defined in the same way as for \Sigma-types It is also possible to use the following syntax in this case: `ext R { | f_1 => e_1 ... | f_l => e_l }`, which is equivalent to `ext (e_1, ... e_l)`
 - * If the goal is `A = {\Prop} B`, then the subgoal is `\Sigma (A -> B) (B -> A)`
 - * If the goal is `A = {\Type} B`, then the subgoal is `Equiv {A} {B}`
 - * If the goal is `x = {P} y`, where `P : \Prop`, then the argument for {ext} should be omitted

\meta ext

-- | Similar to {ext}, but also applies either {simp_coe} or {ext} when a field of a \Sigma-type or a record has an appropriate type.
\meta exts