
Every top-level definition is visible throughout the file it is contained, the order of definitions does not matter. The module system allows you to provide definitions in other namespaces.


A module consists of a name and a list of definitions:

\module Mod \where {

You can refer to definitions def_1 … def_n inside module Mod by their names. To refer to them outside this module, you need to use their full names Mod.def_1 … Mod.def_n. For example, consider the following code:

\func f2 => Mod.f1
\module Mod \where {
  \func f1 => f2
  \func f2 => 0
  \func f3 => f4
\func f4 => f2

You cannot refer to f1 in f2 without Mod. prefix. Function f4 refers to f2 defined on the top level. Function Mod.f2 hides the top level f2 inside module Mod, so Mod.f1 refers to Mod.f2. You can refer to top level functions inside modules as shown in the example where Mod.f3 refers to f4.

If a \where block contains only one definition, curly braces around it can be omitted.

\module Mod \where
  \func f1 => 0

Where blocks

Every definition has an associated module with the same name. To add definitions to this module, you can write the \where block at the end of this definition. Definitions defined in the associated module of a definition are visible inside this definition.

\func f => g \where \func g => 0
\func h => f.g \where
  \data D \where {
    \func k => D
    \func s => M.g.N.s
\module M \where
  \func g => N.s \where {
    \module N \where {
      \func s => E
    \data E

Constructors of a \data definition and fields of a \class or a \record definition are defined inside the module associated to the definition, but they are also visible outside this module. In particular, in the following example f1 and f2 are defined by identical expressions.

\data d
  | a
  | b d

\func f1 => b a
\func f2 => d.b a

Normally the members of a where block do not interact with the definition to which the block is attached. However, where blocks of \data and \class definitions may contain special instructions that do modify the type of parent definition (or e. g. introduce an automatic type coercion for it). Such instructions begin with the keyword \use and are discussed in greater detail in Coercion and Level.

Open commands

The contents of a given module can be added to the current scope by means of \open command (this is called ‘opening’ a module). The \open command affects all definitions in the current scope.

\func h1 => f
\module M \where {
  \func f => 0
  \func g => 1
\open M
\func h2 => g

The command \open M (def_1, … def_n) adds only definitions def_1, … def_n to the current scope. Other definitions must be refered to by their full names.

The command \open M \hiding (def_1, … def_n) adds all the definitions of M except for def_1, … def_n. These definitions still can be refered to by their full names.

The command \open M (def_1 \as def_1’, … def_n \as def_n’) adds definitions def_1, … def_n under the names def_1’, … def_n’, respectively.

The command \open M \using (def_1 \as def_1’, … def_n \as def_n’) can be used to add to the current scope all of the definitions of M while renaming some of them.

\module M \where {
  \func f => 0
  \func g => 1
  \func h => 2
\module M1 \where {
  \open M (f,g)
  \func h1 => f
  \func h2 => g
  \func h3 => M.h -- we can refer to M.h only by its full name.

\module M2 \where {
  \open M \hiding (f,g)
  \func h1 => M.f -- we can refer to M.f and M.g only by their full names.

  \func h2 => M.g
  \func h3 => h
\module M3 \where {
  \open M1 (h1 \as M1_h1, h2)
  \open M2 \using (h2 \as M2_h2) \hiding (h3)
  \func k1 => M1_h1 -- this refers to M1.h1

  \func k2 => h1 -- this refers to M2.h1

  \func k3 => h2 -- this refers to M1.h2

  \func k4 => M2_h2 -- this refers to M2.h2

  \func k5 => M1.h3 -- we can refer to M1.h3 only by its full name.


Note that if you open a module M inside a module M’ and then open M’ inside M’’, then definitions from M will not be visible in M’’. You need to explicitly open M inside M’’ to make them visible.

Import commands

If you have several files, you can use the \import command to make one of them visible in another. For example, suppose that we have files A.ard, B.ard, a directory Dir, and a file Dir/C.ard with the following content:

-- A.ard

\func a1 => 0
\func a2 => 0
  \where \func a3 => 0
-- Dir/C.ard

\import A

\func c1 => a1
\func c2 => a2.a3
-- B.ard

\import Dir.C

\func b1 => c1
-- \func b2 => a1 -- definitions from file A are not visible

-- \func b3 => A.a1 -- you cannot refer to definitions from file A by their full names.

\func b4 => Dir.C.c2 -- you can refer to definitions from file Dir/C.ard by their full names.

The \import command also opens the content of the imported file. You can use the same syntax as for \open commands to control which definitions will be opened. If you want only to import a file and not to open any definitions, you can write \import X (). Then you can refer to definitions from the file X by their full names:

-- X.ard

\func f => 0
-- Y.ard

\import X()

\func f => X.f