\import Algebra.Group
\import Algebra.Meta
\import Algebra.Monoid
\import Algebra.Ordered
\import Algebra.Pointed
\import Arith.Bool
\import Arith.Nat
\import Data.Bool
\import Data.List
\import Data.Maybe
\import Data.Or
\import Function
\import Function.Meta ($)
\import Logic
\import Logic.Meta
\import Meta
\import Order.Lattice
\import Order.Lexicographical
\import Order.LinearOrder
\import Order.PartialOrder \hiding (ProductPoset)
\import Order.StrictOrder
\import Paths
\import Paths.Meta
\import Set
\open Sort
\open OrderedAddMonoid
\open LinearlyOrderedAbMonoid

\data GroupTerm (V : \Type)
  | var V
  | :ide
  | :inv (GroupTerm V)
  | \infixl 6 :* (t s : GroupTerm V)

\class Data \noclassifying {G : Group} {V : \Set} (f : V -> G) {
  \func interpret (t : GroupTerm V) : G \elim t
    | var x => f x
    | :ide => ide
    | :inv t => inverse (interpret t)
    | :* t s => interpret t * interpret s

\class NatData \extends Data {
  | V => Nat

  \func rp-correctness-both-inside (t : GroupTerm V) (nf-pf : isInNF t) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat) (p : interpret (get-leaf t fstLeafToRemoveInd) = inverse (interpret $ get-leaf t (suc fstLeafToRemoveInd)))
                                   (lb : 1 <= fstLeafToRemoveInd) (ub : fstLeafToRemoveInd < count-leaves t) : interpret (remove-pair t fstLeafToRemoveInd).1 = interpret t \elim t
    | l :* r \as t => mcases {1} \with {
      | less q => \let | pl : interpret (get-leaf l fstLeafToRemoveInd) = inverse (interpret $ get-leaf l (suc fstLeafToRemoveInd))
                        => rewrite (LinearOrder.dec<_reduce (q <∘ id<suc), LinearOrder.dec<_reduce (NatSemiring.suc<suc q)) in p \in
        mcases {1} {arg addPath} \with {
          | true, w => \let | l-is-product => rp-returns-true-lemma l fstLeafToRemoveInd w lb q
                            | l-is-ide : interpret l = ide => rewrite (pl, inverse-left) in l-is-product
                       \in rewrite (l-is-ide, ide-left) idp
          | false, w => \let rp-cor-l => rp-correctness-both-inside l nf-pf.1 fstLeafToRemoveInd pl lb q \in rewrite rp-cor-l idp
      | equals q =>\let | l-corr : interpret l = interpret (remove-pair l (count-leaves l)).1 * interpret (get-leaf t fstLeafToRemoveInd) =>
                            rewrite (LinearOrder.dec<_reduce {_} {fstLeafToRemoveInd} {suc $ count-leaves l} (rewrite (inv q) (id<suc {fstLeafToRemoveInd})), q) (rp-correctness-one-inside-right l nf-pf.1)
                         | r-corr : interpret r = interpret (get-leaf t (suc fstLeafToRemoveInd)) * interpret (remove-pair r 0).1 =>
                            rewrite (q, LinearOrder.dec<=_reduce <=-refl, -'+ {1}) (rp-correctness-one-inside-left r nf-pf.2) \in
        mcases {1} {arg addPath, arg addPath} \with {
        | true, w1, true, w2 =>
          rw-meta l-corr r-corr p (rewrite ((rp-returns-true-lemma-left r w2).2, (rp-returns-true-lemma-right l (rewrite (inv q) w1)).2, ide-left) idp)
        | true, w1, false, w2 => rw-meta l-corr r-corr p (rewrite ((rp-returns-true-lemma-right l (rewrite (inv q) w1)).2, ide-left) idp)
        | false, w1, true, w2 => rw-meta l-corr r-corr p (rewrite ((rp-returns-true-lemma-left r w2).2, ide-right, q) idp)
        | false, w1, false, w2 => rw-meta l-corr r-corr p (rewrite (inv q) idp)
      | greater q => \let | pr : interpret (get-leaf r (fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l)) = inverse (interpret $ get-leaf r (suc (fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l)))
         => rewrite (LinearOrder.dec<=_reduce (suc_<_<= q), LinearOrder.dec<=_reduce (suc_<_<= (q <∘ id<suc)), -'+-comm {_} {_} {1} (LinearOrder.<_<= q)) in p
                          | lb' : 1 <= fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l
         => rewrite (-'+-comm {_} {_} {1} <=-refl, -'id) in -'-monotone-left {_} {_} {count-leaves l} (suc_<_<= q)
                          | ub' : fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l < count-leaves r
         => suc_<=_< $ rewrite (+-comm {NatSemiring} {count-leaves l} {count-leaves r}, -'+, -'+-comm {fstLeafToRemoveInd} {count-leaves l} {1} (\lam w => <-irreflexive $ w <∘ q)) in -'-monotone-left {_} {_} {count-leaves l} (suc_<_<= ub)
        mcases {1} {arg addPath} \with {
        | true, w => \let | r-is-product =>
          rp-returns-true-lemma r (fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l) w lb'
              (suc_<=_< $ rewrite (+-comm, -'+, -'+-comm {fstLeafToRemoveInd} {count-leaves l} {1} (\lam w => <-irreflexive $ w <∘ q)) in -'-monotone-left {_} {_} {count-leaves l} (suc_<_<= ub))
                          | r-is-ide : interpret r = ide => rewrite (pr, inverse-left) in r-is-product \in rewrite (r-is-ide, ide-right) idp
        | false, w => \let rp-cor-r => rp-correctness-both-inside r nf-pf.2 (fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l) pr lb' ub' \in rewrite rp-cor-r idp
    | var v => contradiction
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), nf-pf arg (as = nf-pf), ub arg (as = ub))  \with { | var v, _, ub => absurd $ <-irreflexive $ lb NatSemiring.<∘r ub }
    \where {
    \meta rw-meta v1 v2 p => rewrite (v1, v2, p, *-assoc, inv (*-assoc {_} {inverse {G} (interpret _)} {interpret _} {interpret _}), inverse-left, ide-left)

  \func rp-correctness-one-inside-left (t : GroupTerm V) (nf-pf : isInNF t)
    : interpret t = interpret (get-leaf t 1) * interpret (remove-pair t 0).1 \elim t
    | l :* r => mcases {2} \with {
      | less q => mcases {2} {arg addPath} \with {
        | true, w => rewrite ((rp-returns-true-lemma-left l w).1, LinearOrder.dec<_reduce (NatSemiring.suc<suc q)) idp
        | false, w => rewrite (rp-correctness-one-inside-left l nf-pf.1, LinearOrder.dec<_reduce (NatSemiring.suc<suc q), *-assoc) idp
      | equals q => \let | rp-l-0 : interpret (remove-pair l 0).1 = ide => get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma (remove-pair l 0).1 (<=-antisymmetric (rewrite (inv q) in rp-count-leaves-lemma l 0) zero<=_) (rp-preserves-nf l nf-pf.1 0) \in
        mcases {2} {arg addPath, arg addPath} \with {
        | true, w1, true, _ => \let | abs : 0 >= {NatSemiring} 1 => rewrite q (rp-returns-true-lemma'' l 0 w1)
                                     | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                                \in contradiction
        | true, w1, false, _ => \let | abs : 0 >= {NatSemiring} 1 => rewrite q (rp-returns-true-lemma'' l 0 w1)
                                     | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                                \in contradiction
        | false, _, true, w2 => rewrite (get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma l (inv q) nf-pf.1, inv q, (rp-returns-true-lemma-left r w2).1,
                                         rp-l-0, ide-left, ide-right) idp
        | false, _, false, _ => rewrite (get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma l (inv q) nf-pf.1, inv q,
                                         rp-l-0, ide-left, ide-left)
            (rp-correctness-one-inside-left r nf-pf.2)
      | greater q => absurd $ zero<=_ q
    | var v => rewrite ide-right idp
    | :ide =>  rewrite ide-right idp
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), nf-pf arg (as = nf-pf)) \with { | var v, _ => rewrite ide-right idp }

  \func rp-correctness-one-inside-right (t : GroupTerm V) (nf-pf : isInNF t)
    : interpret t = interpret (remove-pair t (count-leaves t)).1 * interpret (get-leaf t (count-leaves t)) \elim t
    | l :* r \as t => mcases {1} \with {
      | less q => \let ind<leaves-t : count-leaves t < count-leaves t => <=_+-right q zero<=_ \in
                   absurd $ <-irreflexive ind<leaves-t
      | equals q => \let res-l => remove-pair l (count-leaves t) | res-r => remove-pair r 0
                         | leaves-r-is-0 : count-leaves r = 0 => NatSemiring.cancel-left (count-leaves l) q
                         | leaves-rp-r-0 : count-leaves (remove-pair r 0).1 = 0 => <=-antisymmetric (rewrite leaves-r-is-0 in rp-count-leaves-lemma r 0) zero<=_
                         | interp-r-ide => get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma r leaves-r-is-0 nf-pf.2
                         | rp-r-nf => rp-preserves-nf r nf-pf.2 0
                         | interp-rp-r-ide => get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma (remove-pair r 0).1 leaves-rp-r-0 rp-r-nf \in
              mcases {1} {arg addPath, arg addPath} \with {
                | true, w1, true, w2 => \let | abs : 0 >= {NatSemiring} 1 => rewrite leaves-r-is-0 in rp-returns-true-lemma'' r 0 w2
                                             | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                                        \in contradiction
                | true, w1, false, w2 => \let | interp-rp-l-ide => (rp-returns-true-lemma-right l (rewrite (inv q) w1)).2 \in
                                       rewrite (interp-r-ide, q, LinearOrder.dec<_reduce id<suc, interp-rp-r-ide, inv q, ide-right, ide-left, q)
                                            (rewrite (interp-rp-l-ide, ide-left) in rp-correctness-one-inside-right l nf-pf.1)
                | false, w1, true, w2 => rewrite (interp-r-ide, q, LinearOrder.dec<_reduce id<suc, inv q, ide-right, q) (rp-correctness-one-inside-right l nf-pf.1)
                | false, w1, false, w2 => rewrite (interp-r-ide, q, LinearOrder.dec<_reduce id<suc, inv q, ide-right, interp-rp-r-ide, ide-right, q) (rp-correctness-one-inside-right l nf-pf.1)
      | greater q => \let | leaves-r : count-leaves t -' count-leaves l = count-leaves r => rewrite (+-comm, -'+) idp
                          | rp-corr-r => rp-correctness-one-inside-right r nf-pf.2 \in
        mcases {1} {arg addPath} \with {
          | true, w => rewrite (rp-corr-r, LinearOrder.dec<=_reduce (suc_<_<= q), leaves-r, (rp-returns-true-lemma-right r (rewrite (inv leaves-r) w)).2, ide-left) idp
          | false, w => rewrite (rp-corr-r, LinearOrder.dec<=_reduce (suc_<_<= q), *-assoc, +-comm, -'+) idp
    | var v => rewrite ide-left idp
    | :ide => rewrite ide-left idp
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), nf-pf arg (as = nf-pf)) \with { | var v, _ => rewrite ide-left idp }

  \func isInNF (t : GroupTerm V) : \Prop \elim t
    | l :* r => \Sigma (isInNF l) (isInNF r)
    | var v => \Sigma
    | :ide => \Sigma
    | :inv t => cases t Empty \with {
      | var v => \Sigma

  \func isInNF-dec (t : GroupTerm V) : Maybe (isInNF t) \elim t
    | l :* r => \case isInNF-dec l, isInNF-dec r \with { | just p, just q => just (p, q) | _, _ => nothing }
    | var v => just ()
    | :ide => just ()
    | :inv t => cases t nothing \with {
      | var v => just ()

  \func rp-preserves-nf (t : GroupTerm V) (nf-pf : isInNF t) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat)
    : isInNF (remove-pair t fstLeafToRemoveInd).1 \elim t
    | l :* r => mcases {1} \with {
      | less _x => mcases {1} \with { | true => nf-pf.2 | false => (rp-preserves-nf l nf-pf.1 fstLeafToRemoveInd, nf-pf.2) }
      | equals p => mcases {1} \with {
        | true, true => ()
        | true, false => rp-preserves-nf r nf-pf.2 0
        | false, true => rp-preserves-nf l nf-pf.1 fstLeafToRemoveInd
        | false, false => (rp-preserves-nf l nf-pf.1 fstLeafToRemoveInd, rp-preserves-nf r nf-pf.2 0)
      | greater _x => mcases {1} \with { | true => nf-pf.1 | false => (nf-pf.1, rp-preserves-nf r nf-pf.2 (fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l)) }
    | var v => ()
    | :ide => ()
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), nf-pf arg (as = nf-pf)) \with { | var v, _ => () }

  \func rp-count-leaves-lemma (t : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat) : count-leaves (remove-pair t fstLeafToRemoveInd).1 <= count-leaves t \elim t
    | l :* r \as t => mcases {1} \with {
      | less q => mcases {1} \with {
        | true => <=_+ zero<=_ <=-refl
        | false => <=_+ (rp-count-leaves-lemma l fstLeafToRemoveInd) <=-refl
      | equals q => mcases {1} \with {
        | true, true => zero<=_
        | true, false => <=_+ zero<=_ (rp-count-leaves-lemma r 0)
        | false, true => <=_+ (rp-count-leaves-lemma l fstLeafToRemoveInd) zero<=_
        | false, false => <=_+ (rp-count-leaves-lemma l fstLeafToRemoveInd) (rp-count-leaves-lemma r 0)
      | greater q => mcases {1} \with {
        | true => <=_+ <=-refl zero<=_
        | false => <=_+ <=-refl (rp-count-leaves-lemma r (fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l))
    | var v => zero<=_
    | :ide => zero<=_
    | :inv t => cases t zero<=_

  \func get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma (t : GroupTerm V) (p : count-leaves t = 0) (nf-pf : isInNF t)
    : interpret t = ide \elim t
    | l :* r => \let | leaves-l-is-0 : count-leaves l = 0 =>
                       <=-antisymmetric (rewrite p in <=_+ (<=-refl {_} {count-leaves l}) (zero<=_ {count-leaves r})) zero<=_
                     | leaves-r-is-0 : count-leaves r = 0 =>
                       <=-antisymmetric (rewrite p in <=_+ (zero<=_ {count-leaves l}) (<=-refl {_} {count-leaves r})) zero<=_ \in
                rewrite (get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma l leaves-l-is-0 nf-pf.1, get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma r leaves-r-is-0 nf-pf.2) ide-left
      {-\case \elim ind \with {
        | 0 \as ind => get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma l ind leaves-l-is-0
        | suc n \as ind => rewrite (leaves-l-is-0, LinearOrder.dec<=_reduce (suc<=suc $ zero<=_)) (get-leaf-zro-leaves-lemma r ind leaves-r-is-0)
    | :ide => idp
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), p arg (as = p), nf-pf arg (as = nf-pf))  \with {
       | var x, p, nf-pf => contradiction

  \data Leaf
    | var-leaf (v : V)
    | inv-var-leaf (v : V)
  \where {
    \func leaf-to-term (l : Leaf) : GroupTerm V \elim l
      | var-leaf v => var v
      | inv-var-leaf v => :inv (var v)

    \func isInv (l : Leaf) : Bool \elim l
      | var-leaf _ => false
      | inv-var-leaf _ => true

    \func val (l : Leaf) : V \elim l
      | var-leaf v => v
      | inv-var-leaf v => v

    \func toLeaf (t : GroupTerm V) : Maybe Leaf \elim t
      | l :* r => nothing
      | var v => just $ var-leaf v
      | :ide => nothing
      | :inv (var v) => just $ inv-var-leaf v
      | :inv _ => nothing

    \func toLeafToTerm-isInv (t : GroupTerm V) (l : Leaf) (p : toLeaf t = just l) : t = leaf-to-term l \elim t
      | var v => rewrite (inv $ just-injective p) idp
      | :ide => contradiction
      | :inv (var v) => rewrite (inv $ just-injective p) idp
      | l :* r => contradiction

  \func rp-returns-true-lemma''' (l r : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat)
    : (remove-pair (l :* r) fstLeafToRemoveInd).2 = true ->
  \Sigma ((remove-pair l fstLeafToRemoveInd).2 = true) ((remove-pair r 0).2 = true) (fstLeafToRemoveInd = count-leaves l)
    => mcases {1} \with {
      | less _ => mcases {1} \with {
        | true => absurd `o` true/=false `o` inv
        | false => absurd `o` true/=false `o` inv
      | equals p => mcases {1, 2} {arg addPath, arg addPath} \with {
        | false, _, false, _ => absurd `o` true/=false `o` inv
        | true, _, false, q =>  \lam p => absurd (true/=false (inv p *> q))
        | false, q, true, _ => \lam p => absurd (true/=false (inv p *> q))
        | true, _, true, q => \lam _ => (idp, idp, p) -- rewrite (p, -'id) q)
      | greater _ => mcases {1} \with {
        | true => absurd `o` true/=false `o` inv
        | false => absurd `o` true/=false `o` inv

  \func rp-returns-true-lemma'' (t : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat)
    : (remove-pair t fstLeafToRemoveInd).2 = true -> count-leaves t >= 1 \elim t
    | l :* r => \lam p => <=_+ (rp-returns-true-lemma'' l fstLeafToRemoveInd (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r fstLeafToRemoveInd p).1) zero<=_
    | :inv a \as t' => cases a (absurd `o` true/=false `o` inv) \with {
      | var x => \lam _ => <=-refl
    | var x \as t' => \lam _ => <=-refl
    | :ide => absurd `o` true/=false `o` inv

  \func rp-returns-true-lemma' (l r : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat)
    (p : (remove-pair (l :* r) fstLeafToRemoveInd).2 = true) : \Sigma (l' r' : Leaf) (l = Leaf.leaf-to-term l') (r = Leaf.leaf-to-term r') \elim l, r
    -- in this case we have fstLeafToRemoveInd = count-leaves ll + count-leaves lr = count-leaves ll, which means count-leaves lr = 0, but count-leaves lr >= 1
    | ll :* lr \as l, r => \let | p_l => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r fstLeafToRemoveInd p).1
                                | p_lr => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' ll lr fstLeafToRemoveInd p_l).2
                                | rmInd-eq-ll+lr => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r fstLeafToRemoveInd p).3
                                | rmInd-eq-ll => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' ll lr fstLeafToRemoveInd p_l).3
                                | ll+lr-eq-ll => inv rmInd-eq-ll+lr *> rmInd-eq-ll
                                | abs : 0 >= 1 => rewrite (NatSemiring.cancel-left (count-leaves ll) {count-leaves lr} {0} ll+lr-eq-ll) in rp-returns-true-lemma'' lr 0 p_lr
                                | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                                \in contradiction
    -- in this case we have 0 = count-leaves rl, but count-leaves rl >= 1
    | l, rl :* rr \as r => \let | p_r => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r fstLeafToRemoveInd p).2
                                | p_rl => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' rl rr 0 p_r).1
                                | rl-eq-zero => inv (rp-returns-true-lemma''' rl rr 0 p_r).3
                                | abs : 0 >= 1 => rewrite rl-eq-zero in rp-returns-true-lemma'' rl 0 p_rl
                                | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                           \in contradiction
    | :inv lo \as l, :inv ro \as r => cases (lo arg (as = lo'), p arg (as = p')) (left-leaf-contradiction (:inv lo') r fstLeafToRemoveInd p') \with {
      | var x \as lo, p => cases (ro arg (as = ro'), p arg (as = p')) (right-leaf-contradiction (:inv lo) (:inv ro') fstLeafToRemoveInd p') \with {
        | var y, p => (inv-var-leaf x, inv-var-leaf y, idp, idp)
    | :inv lo \as l, var y \as r => cases (lo arg (as = lo'), p arg (as = p')) (left-leaf-contradiction (:inv lo') r fstLeafToRemoveInd p') \with {
      | var x \as lo, p => (inv-var-leaf x, var-leaf y, idp, idp)
    | var x \as l, :inv ro \as r => cases (ro arg (as = ro'), p arg (as = p')) (right-leaf-contradiction l (:inv ro') fstLeafToRemoveInd p') \with {
      | var y, p => (var-leaf x, inv-var-leaf y, idp, idp)
    | var x \as l, var y \as r => (var-leaf x, var-leaf y, idp, idp)
    | :ide, r => left-leaf-contradiction :ide r fstLeafToRemoveInd p
    | l, :ide => right-leaf-contradiction l :ide fstLeafToRemoveInd p

  \where {
    \meta left-leaf-contradiction l r ind p => \let | p_l => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r ind p).1
                                                   | abs : 0 >= {NatSemiring} 1 => rp-returns-true-lemma'' l ind p_l
                                                   | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs \in contradiction
    \meta right-leaf-contradiction l r ind p => \let | p_r => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r ind p).2
                                                     | abs : 0 >= {NatSemiring} 1 => rp-returns-true-lemma'' r 0 p_r
                                                     | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                                                \in contradiction

  \func rp-returns-true-lemma (t : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat) (p : (remove-pair t fstLeafToRemoveInd).2 = true)
                              (lb : 1 <= {NatSemiring} fstLeafToRemoveInd) (ub : fstLeafToRemoveInd < count-leaves t)
    : interpret t = (interpret $ get-leaf t fstLeafToRemoveInd) * (interpret $ get-leaf t (suc fstLeafToRemoveInd)) \elim t
    | l :* r => \let | ind<=1 : fstLeafToRemoveInd <= 1 => <_suc_<= {fstLeafToRemoveInd} {1} (rewriteI (count-leaves-lemma l r fstLeafToRemoveInd p) ub)
                     | ind=1 => <=-antisymmetric ind<=1 lb
                     | gl => get-leaf-lemma l r (rewriteI ind=1 p) \in rewrite (ind=1, gl.1, gl.2) idp
    | var v => contradiction
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), ub arg (as = ub)) \with { -- (contradiction {usingOnly (lb, ub)}) \with {
       | var w \as t, ub => contradiction
    \where {
      \func get-leaf-lemma (l r : GroupTerm V) (p : (remove-pair (l :* r) 1).2 = true)
        : \Sigma (get-leaf (l :* r) 1 = l) (get-leaf (l :* r) 2 = r)
        => \let | lr-are-leaves => rp-returns-true-lemma' l r 1 p
                | l' => lr-are-leaves.1 | r' => lr-are-leaves.2 | ql => lr-are-leaves.3 | qr => lr-are-leaves.4 \in
           cases (l' arg (as = l'), r' arg (as = r'), ql arg (as = ql), qr arg (as = qr))
               (\let | gl1 : get-leaf (l :* r) 1 = l => rewrite ql idp
                     | gl2 : get-leaf (l :* r) 2 = r => rewrite (ql, qr) idp
                 \in (gl1, gl2)) \with { }

      \func count-leaves-lemma (l r : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat) (p : (remove-pair (l :* r) fstLeafToRemoveInd).2 = true)
        : count-leaves (l :* r) = 2
        => \let | lr-are-leaves => rp-returns-true-lemma' l r fstLeafToRemoveInd p
                | l' => lr-are-leaves.1 | r' => lr-are-leaves.2 | ql => lr-are-leaves.3 | qr => lr-are-leaves.4 \in
          cases (l' arg (as = l'), r' arg (as = r'), ql arg (as = ql), qr arg (as = qr))
                 (rewrite (ql, qr) idp) \with {}

  \func rp-returns-true-lemma-left (t : GroupTerm V)(p : (remove-pair t 0).2 = true)
    : \Sigma (interpret t = (interpret $ get-leaf t 1)) (interpret (remove-pair t 0).1 = ide) \elim t
    | l :* r \as t => \let | p_l => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r 0 p).1
                           | rmInd-eq-l => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r 0 p).3
                           | abs : 0 >= 1 => rewrite (inv rmInd-eq-l) in rp-returns-true-lemma'' l 0 p_l
                           | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                      \in contradiction
    | var v => (idp, idp)
    | :ide => (idp, idp)
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), p arg (as = p))
        (\let | abs : 0 >= {NatSemiring} 1 => rp-returns-true-lemma'' (:inv t) 0 p
              | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs \in contradiction) \with {
      | var v, p => (idp, idp)

  \func rp-returns-true-lemma-right (t : GroupTerm V) (p : (remove-pair t (count-leaves t)).2 = true)
    : \Sigma (interpret t = (interpret $ get-leaf t (count-leaves t))) (interpret (remove-pair t (count-leaves t)).1 = ide) \elim t
    | l :* r \as t => \let | p_l => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r (count-leaves t) p).1
                           | p_r => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r (count-leaves t) p).2
                           | t-eq-l => (rp-returns-true-lemma''' l r (count-leaves t) p).3
                           | abs : 0 >= 1 => rewrite (NatSemiring.cancel-left (count-leaves l) {count-leaves r} {0} t-eq-l) in rp-returns-true-lemma'' r 0 p_r
                           | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs
                      \in contradiction
    | var v => (idp, idp)
    | :ide => (idp, idp)
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t), p arg (as = p))
        (\let | abs : 0 >= {NatSemiring} 1 => rp-returns-true-lemma'' (:inv t) (count-leaves t) p
              | abs' : 0 = 1 => <=-antisymmetric zero<=_ abs \in contradiction) \with {
      | var v, p => (idp, idp)

  \func get-leaf-less-lemma (l r : GroupTerm V) (ind : Nat) (p : ind < suc (count-leaves l))
                            : get-leaf (l :* r) ind = get-leaf l ind
    => rewrite (LinearOrder.dec<_reduce p) idp

  \func get-rightmost-leaf (t : GroupTerm V) : GroupTerm V \elim t
    | l :* r => get-rightmost-leaf r
    | :inv (var x) \as t' => t'
    | var x \as t' => t'
    | t' => t'

  \func get-leaf (t : GroupTerm V) (ind : Nat) : GroupTerm V \elim t
    | l :* r => \case LinearOrder.dec<_<= ind (suc $ count-leaves l) \with {
      | inl _ => get-leaf l ind
      | _ => get-leaf r (ind -' count-leaves l)
    | :inv (var x) \as t' => \case ind \with {
      | 1 => t' | _ => :ide
    | :inv _ => :ide
    | var x \as t' => \case ind \with {
      | 1 => t' | _ => :ide
    | :ide => :ide

  \func count-leaves (t : GroupTerm V) : Nat \elim t
    | l :* r => count-leaves l + count-leaves r
    | :inv (var x) => 1
    | :inv _ => 0
    | var x \as t' => 1
    | _ => 0

  \func remove-pair (t : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat)
    : \Sigma (GroupTerm V) Bool \elim t
    | l :* r => \case LinearOrder.trichotomy fstLeafToRemoveInd (count-leaves l) \with {
      | less _ => \let res-l => remove-pair l fstLeafToRemoveInd \in \case res-l.2 \with {
        | true => (r, false) | false => (res-l.1 :* r, false)
      | equals _ => \let res-l => remove-pair l fstLeafToRemoveInd | res-r => remove-pair r 0 \in
        \case res-l.2, res-r.2 \with {
          | true, true => (:ide, true)
          | true, false => res-r
          | false, true => res-l
          | false, false => (res-l.1 :* res-r.1, false)
      | greater _ => \let res-r => remove-pair r (fstLeafToRemoveInd -' count-leaves l) \in \case res-r.2 \with {
        | true => (l, false) | false => (l :* res-r.1, false)
    | :inv (var x) \as t' => (:ide, true)
    | :inv _ \as t' => (t', false)
    | var x \as t' => (:ide, true)
    | :ide => (:ide, false)
    \where {
      \func processLeaf (t : GroupTerm V) (fstLeafToRemoveInd : Nat) : \Sigma (GroupTerm V) Bool =>
        \case decideEq fstLeafToRemoveInd 1, decideEq fstLeafToRemoveInd 2 \with {
          | no _, no _ => (t, false)
          | _, _ => (:ide, true)

  \func find-pair-to-remove-lemma (t : GroupTerm V) (lastVisitedLeaf : Maybe Leaf) (p : (find-pair-to-remove t lastVisitedLeaf).3 = true) (_ : count-leaves t > 1)
    : interpret (get-leaf t (find-pair-to-remove t lastVisitedLeaf).1) = inverse (interpret (get-leaf t (suc (find-pair-to-remove t 0 0 false).1))) \elim t
    | l :* r => {?}
    | var v => contradiction
    | :inv t => cases (t arg (as = t)) \with {} -}

  \func find-fstLeafToRemoveInd (t : GroupTerm V) : Maybe (\Sigma (ind : Nat) (interpret (get-leaf t ind) = inverse (interpret (get-leaf t (suc ind)))) (1 <= ind) (ind < count-leaves t))
    => find-fstLeafToRemoveInd-rec t (count-leaves t)
    \where {
      \func find-fstLeafToRemoveInd-rec (t : GroupTerm V) (ind : Nat)
        : Maybe (\Sigma (ind' : Nat) (interpret (get-leaf t ind') = inverse (interpret (get-leaf t (suc ind')))) (1 <= ind') (ind' < count-leaves t))
        \elim ind
          | 0 => nothing
          | suc ind \as suc-ind => \case LinearOrder.dec<_<= suc-ind (count-leaves t) \with {
          | inl w => cases ((Leaf.toLeaf $ get-leaf t suc-ind) arg addPath, (Leaf.toLeaf $ get-leaf t (suc suc-ind)) arg addPath) \with {
              | just leaf, p, just suc-leaf, q => \case decideEq (Leaf.isInv leaf, Leaf.val leaf) (not $ Leaf.isInv suc-leaf, Leaf.val suc-leaf) \with {
                | yes e => just (suc-ind,
                                 rewrite (Leaf.toLeafToTerm-isInv (get-leaf t suc-ind) leaf p, Leaf.toLeafToTerm-isInv (get-leaf t (suc suc-ind)) suc-leaf q) (leaf-isInv-lemma leaf suc-leaf (pmap __.1 e) (pmap __.2 e)),
                                 <=_+ zero<=_ <=-refl, w)
                | no n => find-fstLeafToRemoveInd-rec t ind
              | _, _, _, _ => nothing
          | inr _ => find-fstLeafToRemoveInd-rec t ind

      \func leaf-isInv-lemma (l l' : Leaf) (p : Leaf.isInv l = not (Leaf.isInv l')) (q : Leaf.val l = Leaf.val l')
        : interpret (Leaf.leaf-to-term l) = inverse (interpret (Leaf.leaf-to-term l')) \elim l, l'
        | var-leaf v, var-leaf v1 => contradiction
        | var-leaf v, inv-var-leaf v1 => rewrite (q, Group.inverse-isInv) idp
        | inv-var-leaf v, var-leaf v1 => rewrite q idp
        | inv-var-leaf v, inv-var-leaf v1 => contradiction

  \func find-pair-to-remove (t : GroupTerm V) (lastVisitedLeaf : Maybe Leaf)
    : \Sigma Nat (Maybe Leaf) Bool \elim t
    | :inv (var x) => processLeaf (inv-var-leaf x) lastVisitedLeaf
    | :inv _ => (0, lastVisitedLeaf, false)
    | var x => processLeaf (var-leaf x) lastVisitedLeaf
    | l :* r => \let l-res => find-pair-to-remove l lastVisitedLeaf \in \case l-res.3 \with {
      | true => l-res
      | false => \let r-res => find-pair-to-remove r l-res.2 \in (count-leaves l + r-res.1, r-res.2, r-res.3)
    | :ide => (0, lastVisitedLeaf, false)
    \where {
      \func processLeaf (x : Leaf) (lastVisitedLeaf : Maybe Leaf)
        : \Sigma Nat (Maybe Leaf) Bool => \case lastVisitedLeaf \with {
        | just leaf => \case decideEq (Leaf.isInv x) (not $ Leaf.isInv leaf) \with {
          | yes _ => (0, just leaf, true)
          | no _ => (1, just x, false)
        | nothing => (1, just x, false)

  \func simplify (t : GroupTerm V) : GroupTerm V
     => \case find-fstLeafToRemoveInd t, isInNF-dec t \with {
          | just (ind, p, _, _), just q => (remove-pair t ind).1
          | _, _ => t

  \func simplify-correct (t : GroupTerm V) :  interpret t = interpret (simplify t)
     => unfold simplify (mcases {1} \with {
       | just (ind, p, lb, ub), just q => inv $ rp-correctness-both-inside t q ind p lb ub
       | _, _ => idp

\class CData \extends NatData {
  \override G : CGroup

  \lemma removeVar-lem (t : GroupTerm V) (v : V) (withInv : Bool) {n : Nat}
    : \Sigma (interpret (removeVar n t v withInv).1 * G.pow (if withInv (inverse (f v)) (f v)) (n  countVar t v withInv) = interpret t)
             ((removeVar n t v withInv).2 = n -' countVar t v withInv) \elim t, n
    | t, 0 => (rewrite rdistr0 ide-right, idp)
    | var x, suc n => mcases \with {
      | yes e => (rewrite (inv (NatSemiring.meet_+-left {1}), ldistr0) $ ide-left *> ide-left *> rewriteI (pmap __.2 e) (pmap (\lam s => f s.1) (inv e)), inv $ <=_exists zero<=_)
      | no q => (ide-right, idp)
    | :ide, suc n => (ide-left, idp)
    | :inv t, suc n => (pmap (_ *) pow-lem *> *-comm *> inv G.inverse_* *> pmap inverse (removeVar-lem t v (not withInv)).1, (removeVar-lem t v (not withInv)).2)
    | :* t1 t2, suc n => (rewrite sum-lem $ pmap (_ *) G.pow_+ *> rewrite (removeVar-lem t1 v withInv).2 (equation *> pmap2 (*) (removeVar-lem t1 v withInv {suc n}).1 (removeVar-lem t2 v withInv {suc n -' countVar t1 v withInv}).1),
                          (removeVar-lem _ v withInv).2 *> rewrite (removeVar-lem t1 v withInv).2 -'-')
    \where {
      \open NatBSemilattice

      \lemma pow-lem {b : Bool} {n : Nat} {x : G} : G.pow (if b (inverse x) x) n = inverse (G.pow (if (not b) (inverse x) x) n) \elim b
        | false => inv $ G.inverse_pow *> pmap (G.pow __ n) (G.inverse-isInv {x})
        | true => inv G.inverse_pow

      \lemma sum-lem {a b c : Nat} : a  (b + c) = a  b + (a -' b)  c \elim a, b
        | 0, b => rdistr0 *> inv (pmap2 (+) rdistr0 rdistr0)
        | suc a, 0 => idp
        | suc a, suc b => inv (NatSemiring.meet_+-left {1}) *> pmap suc sum-lem *> pmap (`+ _) (NatSemiring.meet_+-left {1})

  \lemma removeVar_<=-lem (t : GroupTerm V) (v : V) (withInv : Bool) {n : Nat} (p : n <= countVar t v withInv)
    : interpret (removeVar n t v withInv).1 * G.pow (if withInv (inverse (f v)) (f v)) n = interpret t
    => inv (pmap (_ * G.pow _ __) (MeetSemilattice.meet_<= p)) *> (removeVar-lem t v withInv).1

  \lemma removeVar-correct (t : GroupTerm V) (v : V) (n : Nat) (p : n <= countVar t v false) (q : n <= countVar t v true)
    : interpret (removeVar n (removeVar n t v true).1 v false).1 = interpret t
    => inv (*-assoc *> pmap (_ *) (inv (pmap (_ *) G.inverse_pow) *> inverse-right) *> ide-right) *>
       pmap (`* _) (removeVar_<=-lem (removeVar n t v true).1 v false $ transportInv (n <=) (count-remove-lem false) p) *>
       removeVar_<=-lem t v true q

  \lemma removeVars-correct (t : GroupTerm V) {l : List (\Sigma V Nat)} (a : All (\lam p => \Sigma (p.2 <= countVar t p.1 false) (p.2 <= countVar t p.1 true)) l) (b : All2 (__.1 /= __.1) l)
    : interpret (removeVars t l) = interpret t \elim l, a, b
    | nil, all-nil, all2-nil => idp
    | :: x l, all-cons p a, all2-cons q b => removeVar-correct (removeVars t l) x.1 x.2 (transportInv (x.2 <=) (count-removeVars-lem q) p.1) (transportInv (x.2 <=) (count-removeVars-lem q) p.2) *> removeVars-correct t {l} a b
    \where {
      \lemma count-removeVar-lem {t : GroupTerm V} {u v : V} {w w' : Bool} {n : Nat} (p : u /= v)
        : countVar (removeVar n t v w').1 u w = countVar t u w \elim t, n
        | t, 0 => idp
        | var x, suc n => mcases \with {
          | yes e, yes e' => absurd $ p (inv (pmap __.1 e') *> pmap __.1 e)
          | yes e, no q => idp
          | no q, yes e => rewrite (decideEq=_reduce e) idp
          | no _, no q => rewrite (decideEq/=_reduce q) idp
        | :ide, suc n => idp
        | :inv t, suc n => count-removeVar-lem p
        | :* t t1, suc n => pmap2 (+) (count-removeVar-lem p) (count-removeVar-lem p)

      \lemma count-removeVars-lem {t : GroupTerm V} {l : List (\Sigma V Nat)} {v : V} {withInv : Bool} (a : All (v /= __.1) l)
        : countVar (removeVars t l) v withInv = countVar t v withInv \elim l, a
        | nil, all-nil => idp
        | :: x l, all-cons p a => count-removeVar-lem p *> count-removeVar-lem p *> count-removeVars-lem a

  \lemma simplify-correct (t : GroupTerm V) : interpret t = interpret (simplify t)
    => inv $ unfold simplify (rewrite RedBlack.sort=insert $ removeVars-correct t (countVars-correct t (group-correct t) sort-correct) $ countVars-diff sort-correct $ group-diff $ Insertion.sort-sorted (toList t false))
} \where {
  \func removeVar (n : Nat) (t : GroupTerm Nat) (v : Nat) (withInv : Bool) : \Sigma (GroupTerm Nat) Nat \elim n, t
    | 0, t => (t, 0)
    | suc n, :ide => (:ide, suc n)
    | suc n, var x => \case decideEq (x,false) (v,withInv) \with {
      | yes _ => (:ide, n)
      | no _ => (var x, suc n)
    | suc n, :inv t =>
      \have (t',n') => removeVar (suc n) t v (not withInv)
      \in (:inv t', n')
    | suc n, :* t1 t2 =>
      \have | (t1',n1) => removeVar (suc n) t1 v withInv
            | (t2',n2) => removeVar n1 t2 v withInv
      \in (t1' :* t2', n2)

  \func countVars (l : List (\Sigma (\Sigma Nat Bool) Nat)) : List (\Sigma Nat Nat) \elim l
    | nil => nil
    | :: _ nil => nil
    | :: ((x,b),n) (:: ((y,c),m) l) => \case decideEq x y \with {
      | yes _ => (x, n  m) :: countVars l
      | no _ => countVars (((y,c),m) :: l)

  \func removeVars (t : GroupTerm Nat) (l : List (\Sigma Nat Nat)) : GroupTerm Nat \elim l
    | nil => t
    | :: (v,n) l => (removeVar n (removeVar n (removeVars t l) v true).1 v false).1

  \func toList (t : GroupTerm Nat) (withInv : Bool) : List (\Sigma Nat Bool) \elim t
    | var v => (v, withInv) :: nil
    | :ide => nil
    | :inv t => toList t (not withInv)
    | :* t1 t2 => toList t1 withInv ++ toList t2 withInv

  \func simplify (t : GroupTerm Nat)
    => removeVars t $ countVars $ group $ RedBlack.sort $ toList t false

  -- Proof of correctness

  \func countVar (t : GroupTerm Nat) (v : Nat) (withInv : Bool) : Nat \elim t
    | var x => \case decideEq (x,false) (v,withInv) \with {
      | yes _ => 1
      | no _ => 0
    | :ide => 0
    | :inv t => countVar t v (not withInv)
    | :* t1 t2 => countVar t1 v withInv + countVar t2 v withInv

  \lemma count-remove-lem {t : GroupTerm Nat} {v v' : Nat} (withInv : Bool) {n : Nat}
    : countVar (removeVar n t v' (not withInv)).1 v withInv = countVar t v withInv \elim t, n
    | t, 0 => idp
    | var x, suc n => mcases {1} \with {
      | yes e => mcases \with {
        | yes e' => \case rewrite (inv (pmap __.2 e')) in pmap __.2 e
        | no _ => idp
      | no _ => idp
    | :ide, suc n => idp
    | :inv t, suc n => count-remove-lem (not withInv)
    | :* t1 t2, suc n => pmap2 (+) (count-remove-lem withInv) (count-remove-lem withInv)

  \lemma toList-correct (t : GroupTerm Nat) (p : \Sigma Nat Bool) (b : Bool) : count (toList t b) p = countVar t p.1 (if b (not p.2) p.2) \elim t
    | var v => mcases \with {
      | yes _, yes _ => idp
      | yes e, no q => \case q $ ext (pmap __.1 e, \case \elim b, \elim e \with {
        | false, e => pmap __.2 e
        | true, e => rewriteI (pmap __.2 e) idp
      | no q, yes e => \case q $ ext (pmap __.1 e, \case \elim b, \elim e \with {
        | false, e => pmap __.2 e
        | true, e => pmap (\lam s => not s.2) e *> not-isInv
      | no _, no _ => idp
    | :ide => idp
    | :inv t => toList-correct t p (not b) *> pmap (countVar t p.1) (\case \elim b \with {
      | false => idp
      | true => inv not-isInv
    | :* t1 t2 => count_++ *> pmap2 (+) (toList-correct t1 p b) (toList-correct t2 p b)

  \lemma group-correct (t : GroupTerm Nat) : All (\lam p => p.2 <= countVar t p.1.1 p.1.2) $ group $ Insertion.sort $ toList t false
    => all-implies (group_count-lem (Insertion.sort-sorted (toList t false))) $ all-forall
        \lam p c => rewrite c $ Preorder.=_<= $ inv (count_perm (Insertion.sort-perm (toList t false)) p.1) *> toList-correct t p.1 false

  \lemma countVars-correct (t : GroupTerm Nat) {l : List (\Sigma (\Sigma Nat Bool) Nat)} (a : All (\lam p => p.2 <= countVar t p.1.1 p.1.2) l)
                           (a' : AllC (\lam p1 p2 => p1.1.1 = p2.1.1 -> \Sigma (p1.1.2 = false) (p2.1.2 = true)) l)
    : All (\lam p => \Sigma (p.2 <= countVar t p.1 false) (p.2 <= countVar t p.1 true)) (countVars l) \elim l, a, a'
    | nil, all-nil, allC-nil => all-nil
    | :: x nil, all-cons p a, allC-single => all-nil
    | :: ((b,x),n) (:: ((c,y),m) l), all-cons p (all-cons p' a), allC-cons q a' => mcases \with {
      | yes e => all-cons (meet-left <=∘ rewriteI (q e).1 p, rewrite e $ meet-right <=∘ rewriteI (q e).2 p') (countVars-correct t a (allC-tail a'))
      | no _ => countVars-correct t (all-cons p' a) a'

  \lemma countVars-ineq {l : List (\Sigma (\Sigma Nat Bool) Nat)} {x : Nat} (a : All (x /= __.1.1) l) : All (x /= __.1) (countVars l) \elim l, a
    | nil, all-nil => all-nil
    | :: y nil, all-cons p a => all-nil
    | :: y (:: z l), all-cons p (all-cons a1 a2) => mcases \with {
      | yes e => all-cons p (countVars-ineq a2)
      | no _ => countVars-ineq (all-cons a1 a2)

  \lemma countVars-diff {l : List (\Sigma (\Sigma Nat Bool) Nat)} (a' : AllC (\lam p1 p2 => p1.1.1 = p2.1.1 -> \Sigma (p1.1.2 = false) (p2.1.2 = true)) l) (a : All2 (__.1 /= __.1) l)
    : All2 (__.1 /= __.1) (countVars l) \elim l, a', a
    | nil, allC-nil, all2-nil => all2-nil
    | :: x nil, allC-single, all2-cons a a1 => all2-nil
    | :: ((b,x),n) (:: ((c,y),m) l), allC-cons s a', all2-cons (all-cons _ a1) (all2-cons a2 a3) => mcases \with {
      | yes e =>
        all2-cons (countVars-ineq $ all-implies a1 $ all-implies a2 $ all-forall \lam q c d e' => cases (q.1.2 arg addPath) \with {
          | false, p => d $ ext (e', (s e).1 *> inv p)
          | true, p => c $ ext (inv e *> e', (s e).2 *> inv p)
        }) (countVars-diff (allC-tail a') a3)
      | no _ => countVars-diff a' (all2-cons a2 a3)

  \lemma sort-correct-lem {l : List (\Sigma (\Sigma Nat Bool) Nat)} (s : Sorted (map __.1 l)) (a : All2 (__.1 /= __.1) l)
    : AllC (\lam p1 p2 => p1.1.1 = p2.1.1 -> \Sigma (p1.1.2 = false) (p2.1.2 = true)) l \elim l, s, a
    | nil, _, _ => allC-nil
    | :: x nil, _, _ => allC-single
    | :: ((u,x),_) (:: ((v,y),_) l), sorted-cons e s, all2-cons (all-cons p _) a2 => allC-cons (\lam u=v => \case LinearOrder.trichotomy x y \with {
      | less x<y => \case \elim x, \elim y, \elim x<y \with {
        | false, true, BoolPoset.false<true => (idp,idp)
      | equals x=y => absurd $ p $ pmap2 (__,__) u=v x=y
      | greater y<x => absurd $ e $ byRight (inv u=v, y<x)
    }) (sort-correct-lem s a2)

  \lemma sort-correct {l : List (\Sigma Nat Bool)} : AllC (\lam p1 p2 => p1.1.1 = p2.1.1 -> \Sigma (p1.1.2 = false) (p2.1.2 = true)) $ group $ Insertion.sort l
    => sort-correct-lem (group-sorted (Insertion.sort-sorted l)) (group-diff (Insertion.sort-sorted l))